The idiot cop thought that was a pit bull? Defense attorneys should be able to tear up any testimony he tries to concoct for any future criminal cases.
Provided KRLD interview ref dog shooting.Leash laws are in place to prevent these tragedies.Still very disheartening for the owners and sad.
He later apologized if the leash comment was insensitive.(i.e. not credible)
So, it's the leash law rational justification ya see. The dog was in his driveway, cops encroaches on territory, and nobody yet knows why, and dog saunters casually out to check things out as dogs do and is executed. I sent a respectful but unambiguous note to the luminary. Noted others also not anymore pleased with this than I.
Not only that, I support FWPD and attended one of their community outreach efforts recently and I'm not even a FW resident, but have had interactions with the dept. I'm burning up with disappointment and just exasperated. Very disappointed in them, and their apparent field directives in dealing with dogs.