True, Hamilton was as you say, but I’m inclined to believe even he would be appalled at events today. But, then who knows, hell, he might even want to crown the one King.
Alexander Hamilton was not perfect. He had plenty of faults. But so did many others. So do we all.
But Hamilton’s recognition (shared by Madison, Jay and many others) that the lack of a stronger Federal Government would doom our infant nation was one of the things that led him down the road that he took.
I laud Hamilton for devising and implementing a workable mechanism to eliminate our debt in order to allow us to gain positive financial standing and trustworthiness internationally.
Do I agree with all of his other inclinations? No. But at the time, he supplied a piece of the puzzle we desperately needed.
It is not Hamilton’s fault that the Federal Government has turned into the metastasizing hydra-headed monster that it has become today. In my opinion, it is true that most things have a dual nature (may be used for good or evil purpose) and it is not the fault of those things themselves (for example, guns and government) that they are misused and abused by men.
To be honest, I blame politicians such as Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson and FDR (just to name a few) for what government has become, not Hamilton.