Donations must be down in Silicon Valley
Pelosi wrote a note to Boehner and told him to get his ass in gear and get this done.
And Boehner will get right on it.
Nancy is still running the House even from Boehner’s seat.
Why can’t Republicans find someone with a pair of balls -—even ones like Nancy has.\, they are better than none.
Wow! Huge divergence between Pelosi and Obama. Pelosi is to the right of obama?
Then Americans will see how everybody benefitted, not just "the rich," not just Halliburton.
Let 'em expire, Boehner. Then blame the Democrats.
The jury is out on whether Nasty Nancy has some trick up her sleeve or if her single brain cell has started working again.
Nancy must be worried about her election. I guess those wacko libtards don’t want to put THEIR money where there mouth is.
Wow if middle income is considered 1 million a year then I am way below the poverty line, where do I sign up for an EBT card? //sarc