I taped a nickel to the reply, noted "five cents for RINOs" and told them to take me off the list.
As to "the sin of speaking out against the one they are proclaiming to be our leader and nominee" the ABOs are doing their damndest to excommunicate from FR anyone who isn't toeing the line.
I'll vote for Virgil Goode and down ticket for conservative candidates. It's MY vote and MY decision...not anyone else's.
I received a call last week from the NRC and discussed my displeasure with them and Romney, who doesn’t have the nomination. I let them send the info with a minimum pledge but made it clear I may not honor it, I have contributed to them in the past. This weekend I was a delegate to our State Republican concention and all the speakers, mostly our State and Federal elected officials, touted Romney and talked about how Conservative he is. This is indeed going to be very difficult whatever path I take but it will probably be the ABO, IF he gets the nomination. Our convention was very scripted and executive committee candidates were already picked and we just had a yea or nay vote. Only one resolution was passed from the floor and that became the highlight of the convention. It added a debt ceiling resolution to the platform and passed with only 3 nay votes and I got the impression that was to the dismay of the powers that be. It was offered by a new Republican and Tea Party activist from my county, she, her husband and myself were alternates that got seated as delegates. We have worked together for 3 years now and I rode down with them. She was instrumental in the petition drive to get Voter ID on the Mississippi ballot.