"Having your minions do it for you doesn't count"
I read the whole post differently from you.
Duffee, care to clear things up?
duffee, if grey is correct and I miss read your post I apologize. Can you clear this up? Thanks.
It was in reference to lies and distortions and the tactics used by the Romney campaign in their attacks on Newt Gingrich and what amounts to the same in covering the Romney record of flip flops with specific reference to to the effect of Romneycare on Catholic Charities in Mass. Do you believe Harry Reid is truthful? I equate lying and misrepresentation with adultry and other sins.
Romney doesn’t have the locked up 1144 delegates or the nomination yet and I will withold any support of him until one of those two things happen and then I will look at my options. I fully expect Romney to be the nominee, I have never voted for anyone for any office that was not a Republican, I will do what needs to be done, I have performed many un-pleasant chores in my life some having to do with septic tanks and some having to do with voting.
I do not understand what you question about my post unless you are prepared to tell me that Romney and his campaign and those campaigning in his behalf including the PACS have been truthful. Do you also believe Harry Reid is truthful?
I sent comment 51 to greyfoxx I also should have sent it to SCVW and Colofornian.
It was in reference to lies and distortions and the tactics used by the Romney campaign in their attacks on Newt Gingrich and what amounts to the same in covering the Romney record of flip flops with specific reference to to the effect of Romneycare on Catholic Charities in Mass. Do you believe Harry Reid is truthful? I equate lying and misrepresentation with adultry and other sins.
Romney doesnt have the locked up 1144 delegates or the nomination yet and I will withold any support of him until one of those two things happen and then I will look at my options. I fully expect Romney to be the nominee, I have never voted for anyone for any office that was not a Republican, I will do what needs to be done, I have performed many un-pleasant chores in my life some having to do with septic tanks and some having to do with voting.
I do not understand what you question about my post unless you are prepared to tell me that Romney and his campaign and those campaigning in his behalf including the PACS have been truthful. Do you also believe Harry Reid is truthful?