Thank you...please spread it around.
I am submitting it to the US Naval Institute to which I belong and tryimg to mail it to conservative defense policy consultants...particularly those who may consult Romney should he win. He says he is for making our military unassailable...let’s see if he means it.
The following plan is based on a major US economic turnaround based on sound Free Market principles geared to US interests, energy independendece, a balanced budget, stabilization of Social Security & Medicare & eliminating unessary and wasteful entitlements & entire federal agencies. It is also based,under a conservative leadership in Washington, on adopting lower corporate and individual income taxes so the revenue to the treasury expands and increases significantly which will fuel the buildup necessary to remain technologically superior by two generations to any potential enemy on earth, and to be in a position to contain and defeat any outbreaks of agression on a minimum of two major theaters, and one minor theater simultaneously. Follow the links below to each specific area of this far reaching proposal.
FReeper for President BUMP!