If a white president had done the things that this president has done, he would have been impeached. Just saying.
Like the old saying, repeat a lie often enough, and eventually it becomes a truth.
Obama is the lie that’s been repeated for the last 3 years, and the American people are going weary of it because they know better. At least, I’d like to think they know better, but we’ll find that out in November.
I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.
It must take true audacity to contradict your own statements on recorded media and simply not care if anyone notices. What can be gained if a liar is caught lying? If a liar is lying fast enough and often enough, then the answer is: everything.
The MSM helps with this one - they don't hold dem liars accountable for lies... If the country is destroyed much of the blame will lie at the feet of the press...
Obama freely lies and deceives because the corrupt MSM allow him to. Thirteen “reporters” are assigned to investigate Sarah Palin’s book. Obama makes patently obvious deceptive comments and outright lies and the corrupt MSM says then accuse Republicans of trying to leverage partisan political advantage by pointing out the obvious lies of Obama, thus laying any blame at Republican’s feet.
The MSM are no longer detached and honest brokers of information; they are totally partisan and thoroughly corrupt.