Please that is ridiculous I do not think it was violent
cutting someones hair and I think if he apologized it is a good thing. Have you even done any thing 40 or 50 years ago that maybe you might think it in bad taste now? I know
for myself I did some things in my early teens that I thought were funny but as I look back at them they were not so nice or funny.
I made a crank phone call to a funeral home and said that my husband had died and they came out to the address I gave them it was the neighbors across the street from my Grandma’s house I got in big trouble for that but I thought it was funny I was 13 and I am sorry I did that now.
Mister, if you don’t think that a group taking down someone they don’t like, and doing it violently enough to succeed in cutting off their hair isn’t violent, then try to to imagine yourself convincing a courtroom that it was really just meaningless pranking to all involved, and the victim and the jury should think of it as like a prank call to a funeral home.