“This is why, for years and years, I have said that all high level elected officials should have to undergo a thorough psychiatric test before being having their name on a ballot.”
Down through the decades, I’ve seen news commentators apologizing during election campaigns for the usual silliness that goes on with campaign rhetoric, etc. In the final analysis, they contended that the saving grace of all this apparent political nonsense was that our political process made it impossible for a fool or a nut-case from becoming President.
Our problem now is that many of the old assumptions no longer hold. The American masses no longer have the common sense wisdom derived from responsibilities such as raising a family and acquiring a productive trade. Now we look more like Rome in its decline when the populace were in love with their crazy, depraved Emperors.
People with a paucity of useful skills or knowledge have been sold the idea that they were being victimized by an uncaring society. Working women demand the “right” of free contraceptives and instant free abortions to rectify the consequences of recreational sex, courtesy the taxpayer. Gay men have demanded, and attained, the right to openly express their sexuality in the armed forces in spite of long past experience that this has a devastating effect on morale. A black op-ed columnist recently wrote that George Zimmerman should volunteer to spend 8 to 10 years in prison to dissuade racial violence.
Such “victimized” groups, who in aggregate may actually form a majority of the population, have fallen for the romantic notion of the mysterious stranger who has come to save them from the miserliness of the few who just want to be left alone. They voted for someone whose past is virtually nonexistent, who promised during his campaign for president to “fundamentally transform” this country, and whose associations provide a certainty that he has always been a leftist radical. And after a disastrous first term, he has at least even chance of being elected to a second term in which is he will be virtually unaccountable for his actions. We’ve gone from common sense to irresponsibility on steroids.
Obama turned the American Dream into a nightmare...but he only epitomizes the problems that have been brewing in this country for years. Because of the continual focus on self-gratification, sex, envy, pride, and greed which has been promoted by the Liberals millions of Americans have lost sight of the values and morals that led to our great success as a country.