Those flags are damn near touching the ground. Liberals don’t give a crap about things like that.
Here you go.
A great review of the photography. Basically the first picture was taken 20+ hours AFTER the raid.
Given the scenario that the WH aid Jarrett tried to reverse the ‘go decision’ this all falls into place. Panetta was defacto top CoC during the actual raid - in Langley.
Interesting timing of events. Go order given on Friday.
“Last week Obama finally had enough intelligence last to take action. The final decision to go forward with the operation was made at 8:20 AM on Friday, April 29 in the White House’s Diplomatic Room.”
I think the tenseness on Obama’s face is ‘oh @#$#$, they really did it. Now what?” The raid was over 20 hours ago. This operation was not real time monitored by all those people! It was staged photo op. Case closed.