Nope! And here’s why not:
Richard Nixon was a Republican and the press hated him. Watergate gave them the opportunity to destroy him and they went for it full force. Barack Obama is a Democrat and the media love him so they are just refusing to even look into F & F in any meaningful way. As long as they keep the story out of the National press or simply paint it as Republicans on a witch hunt, it doesn’t hurt Obama or Holder at all.
Besides, Watergate was a third rate burglary committed by a campaign staffer. Fast and Furious was a well orchestrated plan, conceived by at least two Cabinet Officials, and possibly ordered by the POTUS, in order to push a narrative that would allow massive restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. Thus far, it has caused the death of two Federal agents and hundreds of Mexican citizens and over 2/3 of the “walked” guns are still missing.
Obviously, Watergate was far more serious! /sarc
Good summation.