Hadnt you heard? The whole incident with the police car and rapes was an NYPD setup. Yes, they sent homeless/vagrants down to Zucotti Park to make the genuine OWS protesters look bad. We have it on the authority and word of the organizer who appeared on Hannity the other night.
Is this him?
In all seriousness, I caught an interview with that organizer on Hannity's radio show driving home last night. The kid was so filled with rage that he couldn't express a coherent thought, much less carry on a conversation. He did manage to actually tell Sean he hated him and that Fox News has duped the American public. It was funny for the first couple minutes, but soon it became apparent that this was a very dark, disturbed and pitiful person.
It’s really sad when you get past all the nonsense. We laugh at them but they take themselves ever so seriously. And believe every word they say.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of D-leaning ‘normal’ people who’ve bought into the evil Republican/Fox meme. I have two friends who just wouldn’t be caught dead voting R or watching Fox, ans think there is something seriously wrong with me. These are otherwise perfectly normal, pillar of the community, you could trust them with your life types. They would find this guy nuts too, tho.