Entitlement whores, Welfare queens, and lazy non-productive people who are on the dole, have unstable lifestyles and are quite mobile, as the article points out. But, they also are not very responsible or dependable when it comes to being civic minded. Many of them smoke dope and/or drink a “40” all day long and that’s all the hell they care about. I guarantee you many, many, many of them will not be registered to vote on Election Day. They wouldn’t know where their Precinct Polling location is even if they were registered.
That's why big-city Dem Parties have the Precinct Captain system. The Precinct Captain is the one you go to in order to make sure your welfare paperwork is filled out right, she makes sure you are registered with every program you are eligible. She also makes sure you are registered to vote and arranges van pools to ensure you DO get to the poll. And you better go vote if you want continued help in dealing with the welfare bureaucracy.
What I think we're seeing is recognition of how many illegal voters we had.