I find this whole write-up offensive.
Here is a woman who from all appearances has dedicated her life to the Marine Corps. The fact that her appearance is "mannish" means exactly what?? That she acted offensively to some other officer - fine - she deserves her punishment.
I'm guessing however, that most of you panty-waistes that are cutting her down could not have walked a half-mile in her shoes.
Get a grip fellow FReepers. Why are we wasting our vitriol on this homely Marine? My bet is that were any of you injured, she wouldn't think twice about doing a fireman-carry to safety for any of you sad pukes. In another age she'd probably be mother to a race of warriors.
Seems we ought to have better things to do with our time & efforts...
She's retired military.
In her work, she is thorough, professional, highly competent, and appears to be an effective leader and manager.
Let's all recall that the “guilty/innocent” judgment (based on looks alone), that's become part of FReeper culture, started as a satirical reaction to the perceived tendency of courts to treat good looking women better than the aesthetically challenged.
Thank you!
This brave Marine has dedicated her life to the Corps and the service of her country. Thank God for her.
“My bet is that were any of you injured, she wouldn’t think twice about doing a fireman-carry to safety for any of you sad pukes.”
Agreed, and thank you!