God those pesky principled conservatives are such a pain.....Virgil Goode for President 2012. Why can’t you support this good guy?
Considering 99% of Americans never heard of him, a vote for this guy is simply a way for false conservatives or very foolish ones to help 0bama get re-elected.
Because he won't win. Therefore, a vote for him is a vote for $8 gasoline, trillions more in deficits, thousands more in highway deaths in paper mache' death traps, death panels to decide when you and I will die, no gas and oil wells on public land, and Marxist puppet majorities on the supreme court.
Virgil Goode for President 2012. Why cant you support this good guy?
Because I want B. Hussein Obama out of the White House at any cost and I WILL NOT WASTE MY VOTE???? I know nothing about this guy? Does he have a police record? Is he honorable? How does he handle his personal finances? Is his wife a Liberal bitch like Cindy McCain? etc. etc. etc.