“Scientists have found that the brains of people calling themselves liberals are more able to handle conflicting and unexpected information.” The Los Angeles Times announced in an editorial that the study “suggests that liberals are more adaptable than conservatives” and “might be better judges of the facts.”
I intepret that to mean that Liberals are quick to judge books by their covers and accepting their initial impressions as “fact or truth”, relying only on preset personal biases without taking time to analyze the”unexpected” info more objectively and without bias.
[ I intepret that to mean that Liberals are quick to judge books by their covers and accepting their initial impressions as fact or truth, relying only on preset personal biases without taking time to analyze theunexpected info more objectively and without bias. ]
Lieberals are more likely to colour thier thinking by emotional cues on if soemthing “seems good” or “seems bad” and a very scatter shot thinkers and this hurts them when when it comes to moving from Point A to Point B to Point C etc...
Conservatives are very practical process and linear thinkers in that in every step of the chain there is a cause/effect relationship or else it doesn’t make sense. They think in very practical terms that are based on real world examples and models, where the liberals will come up with a theory and try to “massage the data” to fix their intial scattershot assumptions.
[ “Scientists have found that the brains of people calling themselves liberals are more able to handle conflicting and unexpected information. The Los Angeles Times announced in an editorial that the study suggests that liberals are more adaptable than conservatives and might be better judges of the facts. ]
Adaptable in terms of judging things is a code word for “relative morality”. It is like saying that because someone had a bad childhood and then killed an innocent in cold blood should get a less prison time than someone who had a great childhood and did the same crime.
This adaptability can lead to greater incidence of self-deception in the face of conflicting facts that don’t match your agenda. A judge who can “adapt” in this manner is an enemy of the rule of law as we have seen for the last 100+ years.