To: Doc Savage; Bigtigermike
You heard it here first.
In the run-up to the election, The Mombasa MF is going to be touted as the biggest STUD ever. Team Obama is pulling out all the stops to quash those nasty "Gay" rumors, right now, Sweetie!
Headlines coming to tabloid near you soon:
Michelle Furious over Hubby's Contacts with Old Flame!
Is Barry This Hottie's Baby Daddy?
Starlet Swoons In Obama's Arms!
What a Dancer!
Michelle Complaining about Barry's Roving Eye!
Etc. ad naus.
Barry gay? No Way Hosay!
He's the macho man who slew Osama bin Ladin!
Woulda gotten all those al qaeda bastards, too, if those Navy Seal pansies hadn't gotten in the way!
Wadda Guy!
52 posted on
05/02/2012 11:12:05 AM PDT by
Kenny Bunk
(So, Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Roberts can't figure out if Obama is a Natural Born Citizen?)
To: LucyT; Jedidah; tomdavidd; Freeper; Gvl_M3; Flotsam_Jetsome; Berlin_Freeper; Hotlanta Mike; ...
53 posted on
05/02/2012 11:15:53 AM PDT by
Kenny Bunk
(So, Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Roberts can't figure out if Obama is a Natural Born Citizen?) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson