I presume these men were somehow restrained for some portion of these ordeals. Otherwise we are missing some major details about which would explain how these men were not able to leave.
I presume these men were somehow restrained for some portion of these ordeals. Otherwise we are missing some major details about which would explain how these men were not able to leave.
Maybe she immigrated from Bulgaria?
Do some research on clinical-level nymphomania.
I briefly dated a girl in college who was medicated for it. When she was off her meds, it was awful. People laugh at me for telling the story, but if you weren’t there and haven’t experienced it, you really just don’t know.
It starts off innocent enough, but the need grows to be insatiable. She became a completely different person and it is literally impossible to please her. There’s nothing you can do, and it will go on for hours. It becomes painful. Rape against a man is possible.
They say, “you can’t rape the willing.” At some point, the will disappears and becomes complete and total fear for your health.