Screw national labor relations. Collective bargaining rights don’t exist. They can’t; rights don’t work that way. The government should be interested in preventing violence, fraud, coercion, and trespassing against property rights. That’s all.
Except in Wisconsin, where Gov Scott Walker and the Republican legislature have mandated annual certifying elections, where if the union loses the election, then they're no longer representing the employees.
WTF? Workplace agitators can now come to your house to intimidate? I want the names and address of every union member that decides to come to my house.
Labor unions, like the United Nations, are all too often judged by what they are envisioned as being not by what they actually are or what they actually do.. . . and that goes double for the borg we know as wire service journalism.
The fundamental assumption about the press is not that any individual press would be objective (or fair, or whatever) but that individual presses would be independent. And they were, fractiously so, until the mid-Nineteenth Century advent of the Associated Press. The AP aggressively monopolized the transmission of news over the new telegraph, and claimed that because its member newspapers didnt agree on much of anything, the AP itself was objective.But as experience has shown, that argument was always illogical. It is impossible for anyone to know that his/her own opinions are not colored at all by his/her own desires or needs, and it is especially absurd to suppose that they could know that without even examining his/her own motives and desires. And declaring ones own objectivity is the precise opposite of making an open admission of ones own needs and desires. The AP takes the position that all journalists are objective - and belonging to an organization which declares that you are objective makes you a self-proclaimed objective person. If you belong to the AP you claim you are objective, and if you claim to be objective you are at best a self-deceiver. And realistically, you are a deceiver, period.
If you think about it, the McCain-Feingold restriction against publishing about politics during election season by any but named major journalism outlets is certain to be indistinguishable from membership in the Associated Press. And since membership in the AP subverts your independence by requiring support of the fiction that all journalists are objective, the designed effect of that provision of McCain-Feingold is to restrict everyone from the AP Borg from discussing politics. This shows corruption lies at the core of the AP. The AP should be sued into oblivion in a RICO suit.