Are you nuts?????
I s'pose, Mozilla, that the relativists among us consistently preach a distinct headline to us that they better recognize:
Voting for Romney:
The Better 'Evil' [as in a supposed 'lesser thereof']
Risk-take Ex-Conservatives-now-RINO-Romneybots Could Make
Hence...their 'new' 'conservative' confession...
Yes, voting for Romney is 'evil'
Yes, Romney is RINO
Yes, Romney is a big-govt socialistic healthcare pioneer
Yes, Romney has a 14-year wreckless baby-dismembering pro-abort track record from 1994 all the way thru 2007...
Yes, Romney portends to whackily become a full-grown god...
But, hey, at least that evil RINO big-govt socialistic healthcare pioneer pro-abort god has an (R) next to all those adjectives!
[Reminds me of that one 19th century politician...his name temporarily escapes me...who was at least satisfied upon learning that it was "our" rascal vs. the "rascal" of the other party on a given issue]