Obama=suicide. Romney=Live to fight another day. Stay Home=The first result.
Its no longer about pride. It’s no longer about options. Let the Kenyan back in and this nation will cease to exist as we know it. If Romney wants a second term then he’ll have to play ball with the right. We can work to deny him a second one.
If Slick Willard, the utterly unprincipled Wall Street marionette, is elected, get back to us when he makes his first SCOTUS appointment, when the brainless GOP Senate Caucus votes the nominee onto the court as "one of ours" and the nominee naturally turns out to be somewhere to the left of such stellar GOP previous nominees as John Paul Stevens, David "Swish" Souter, William Brennan, and Herod Blackmun. Thanks, nice work! If that's the best you've got, why bother with politics at all? At least Republican Senators will TRY to stop any Obamanations appointed to vacancies and may even succeed.
I am no longer a libertarian and would not vote for pot smoker, pro-abort Gary Johnson on a bet but the rest of this article is right on the money.