I mean to say that those who choose to Fear Omnipotent Obama and risk Romney, are going to have rabbit brains like you on their team. You’ve demonstrated here that you’re either a little tipsy (my guess) or way out in left field when it comes to comprehending peoples’ reasons for rejecting Romney. So far out in left field that you’re a liability. Like I say, not somebody I’d want to be sharing a foxhole with because you’re irrational. Your very irrationality is an indication that your’e on the wrong side.
Okay Im Im typing reallllly slow. I’m not tipsy and I’m not mentally challenged. I have no idea about rabbit brains...but whatever. Now let me ask you since you have a foxhole fetish....have you ever served in the military and actually dug a foxhole and lived in one for a couple of days? Just curious, most of us don’t bring that kind of stuff up that have acually done it.
Come on FINNY! You want to talk about foxholes? I’ve been there and dug them and lived in them....what about you? I’ll tell you where I was for three years, can you do the same?! Tell me where you got your foxhole experience?!Your nothing but a toy soldier living in your mother’s basement you piece of crap!