Yes, it will go entirely unpunished. If any white person took it upon themselves to do anything about this they would be in jail in about 5 minutes. What will happen is, the white people will move out of this neighborhood and avoid this area completely. In a couple of years it will look like the proverbial “war zone”. Think about this for moment, between 15 and 40 people beat this guy up and they have arrested a total of one person. How hard of an investigation can this really be?
“What will happen is, the white people will move out of this neighborhood and avoid this area completely. In a couple of years it will look like the proverbial war zone.”
Here in NJ (where people like to pretend that racism is a Southern white thing) that is exactly what happens; we don’t have integrated neighborhoods in our suburbs (at least closest to the cities). For a time (when the welfare “cash-for-kids” program was running at full throttle) blacks slowly spread into the ‘burbs; now their birthrate has collapsed and they fill shrinking areas of the cities. The cities and suburbs, in the meantime, have become increasingly Hispanic as NJ imports them to prevent total de-population; even with this strategy, NJ lost an electoral vote.
I think the county's going to re-segregate.