“Good luck with YOUR choice.”
Sorry, but if Obama wins, whiny A$$, little cry babies like yourself will hold some responsibility. People like you are incredibly selfish. Your guy doesn't win, so you decide to have a little pity party and sit this one out. We are acting like adults dealing with the hand that's been dealt us. What you are doing? Nothing but acting like a little child: “Whaa, Whaa...my candidate didn't didn't win! I'll show them...I'm going to sit this election out! That will show them!”
Good luck with your gutless choice!
I have NEVER sat out an election, and never will while I'm alive.
YOU, the childish one who does as he's told, can live WITHOUT A CONSCIENCE, and just do what you are told, and live with your "CHOICE".
I can live with mine.....I won't vote for a Liberal OR The Messiah.
You're shoveling sh$% against the tide, and are too ignorant to think for yourself.
End of story.