Sometimes I wish my kid would!
All kidding aside, I know exactly what you mean. however we also have to understand some kids don't live in great areas and come home to an empty house and aren't allowed to be outside.
My daughter has been home from school less than 10 minutes and is already changing her clothes to head outside. I "may" be able to get her inside in time to have something to eat before she heads for Youth Group!
Your daughter is a rarity in this day and age. My hubby’s children (who live with his CPS worker ex-wife) need to be pryed outside and would much rather be inside. They live in a suburban area and we live in the country. They displayed this attitude from an early age due to being spoon fed with Spongebob at home.
The only bit of exercise they get is when their mother crams in the extra-curricular activities and they can socialize while on the field (phoning it in, of course)