Santorum beat Newt in Pennsylvania. I wonder if people did not realize he was out, or just could not pull the lever for one of the other three.
Santorum “suspended” his campaign which allows him to keep his delegates as I understand. His name is still on the ballots. I am surprised RS didn’t win his own state as a “loyal” gesture to their native son.
Romney was going to take it anyway.
Maybe they actually like Santorum and think he’s the better choice.
Santorum nearly beat Gingrich in Rhode Island too, and did almost as well in New York and Connecticut.
Seems to me that outside of Delaware, conservatives actually moved away from Newt rather than towards him. Newt got 10 percent in NH back in January, and is getting 10 percent in NY now.
Well when America isn't America isn't anymore - they can think about what they couldn't do as that turns into can't do anymore.
Their little sanctimonious selves own the evil they brought on this country and will be accountable for bringing one nation under God to one nation under evil.
My understanding is because of the media smear that Newt had dropped out....they figured they'd vote for Santorum and at least give him that for it being his home state.