Do any Federal employees actually pay into retirement programs?
YES! AND IT IS NOT CHEAP!!!!! I wish people were so dang ignorant.
I thought the postal workers did, but I wasn't sure. What do you pay into? Will it support your retirement without taxpayer bailouts?
WARNING: The Federal Employees Pension System Is Running An Even Bigger Deficit Than Social Security
Yep you are right...everybody thinks that Gov. employees have is soooooo good. WRONG. between reductions for heath care,medicare,life insurance, retirement,state and federal taxes...try almost $3,800 per month on $ 79,000 per year. Yep I am retired now after 34 years $49k net per year...still paying federal taxes on every check, plus medical and life insurance..they get you coming and going.Plus at 65 you HAVE to go to MEDICARE.I am so sick of these uninformed people.Now if I don’t go on Medicare add another $700.00 per month for medical/dental for just 2 of us on a private insurance company after retirement. I was not one of those who sat at a desk, I was a field animal...yep lots of overseas travel...mud..rain ..long hours,missed flights, etc. etc. So there you have it FLAME away...but be prepared.