Idiots. They won’t have strength to put a round in a tube, nor to change track on a tracked vehicle, or carry a buddy to an aid station.
The basic concept of combat is winning. They are making it equal opportunity.
It’s the new American military. Political correctness trumps combat effectiveness.
They want to level the playing field and give our enemies an "equal opportunity" to kill our soldiers.
Well said, xzins. Combat is not PC nor equal opportunity. didn't listen. They are being put in LEADERSHIP positions, not in the grunt jobs.
This will mean less opportunity for advancement, and less experienced leadership, resulting in more death and less retainment.
Gee, a win-win for Progressives.
My son spent 12 years on boomers before getting a 2 year shore duty because women in his rating could not deploy, taking up nearly all shore allotments.
“If I were the last man on the planet to think so, I would want the honor of saying that no woman should go before me into combat to defend my country.” - John Piper
I agree with Piper.
and I want to be an Army Ranger even though I have a broken back, an artificial hip and am well past my prime. It is, of course, all about me and if I want it, I should have it. (Do I need the /sarc tag?)