Here’s the other side of that.
Never believe such leftist orgs. as the AP and the Guardian are pure in their intent against conservative Republicans.
You would lose on a bet, if assuming that nonsense.
They twisted the headline to imply he’s dropping out soon, no matter what any voter does. That’s clear distortion with intent.
Now whether it succeeds in suppressing his vote or not remains to be seen. Its degreee of success or failure doesn’t have diddly squat to do with their intention.
As for it actually helping Romney because people think why bother voting, Romney has it in the bag, what is “it”? Please define “it”.
Romney can be stopped from a first ballot victory in Tampa, if he can’t corral enought delegates, be they for Gingrich or Ron Paul or whatever Santorum does with his now he’s suspended.
Newt has announced that’s what his goal is. He knows he isn’t going to stop Romney from being the overwhelming, clear frontrunner. He’s going for deadlocking on the first ballot.
But if he drops out, that means he fails either bc not enough delegates or runs out of money or whatever.
You don’t know how many Romneybots that causes not to bother voting vs how many Newtonians it causes not to bother.
Because Romney is going to clean up in these primaries, and Newt has no way to catch up, but that’s not the issue.
So it’s all muddled in a lot of people’s minds and Newt wants to be clear what he’s trying to do, to get as many votes and delegates as he can.
So here comes these leftist orgs. distorting a story by twisting the headline.
And you fall for a comment that says oh no, don’t believe it hurts Newt, believe it hurts Romney.
I wouldn’t fall for it, on a bet.