Since this is the primaries, at least vote for a CONSERVATIVE candidate now. If we don’t make our voices heard, we will continue to have “moderate” Republicans for years to come.
This ship of state is too close to the rocks to avoid them.
We are going to crash, simply because we are "big enough to fail". The fed is already printing 40 cents of every dollar the Gov. spends, that is because no foreigners have the money to buy all of our debt. In fact foreigners own so much of our debt already that they couldn't sell it if they wanted to. Imagine if China put $1 Trillion US bonds out for the bid... the market would collapse.
The unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and Goverment Pension accounts are so large that the number is basically meaningless.
The US will default and when the credit limit has maxed out and people don't get their "entitlements" and/or "safety net" benefits there will be fire/blood in the streets...
A liberal will try to keep the scam rolling... a foolhearty conservative who trys to make draconian cuts in spending that would be necessary to make a difference will face revolt.
I am a retired wall streeter...I sold some TBonds to customers that paid 14% in the early '80s... it can happen...the US is now paying 1.5% on its total debt...$240 Billion in principal...the average maturity of US debt is less than 4 years...the US must refinance $16 Trillion in the next 4 years, plus the new deficits... can't be good luck picking the captain to go down with the ship.