I donated last night ($25.00 from Michigan). I’ve read the thread on alternatives.
There is already a system in place for those that don’t have the funds to give to have someone sponsor them.
How about keeping that same system and implementing it in a pay to post.
If the minimum monthly donation is $3, $3 x 3months is $9 per quarter. I understand, money is tight. People can find $3 a month in pop cans for crying out loud.
There are some that already sponsor people at $10. Have a list of those that need ‘assistance’. They get sponsored for a quarter. Just as people shouldn’t use welfare as a career, not donating shouldn’t be a consistent habit either. There is helping and then there is mooching.
Those willing to sponsor can cycle through the list of those needing assistance. You could set it up as a monthly or quarterly or semi annual or even yearly sponsorship. $20 can sponsor someone for 6 months. $10 for 3 months/quarterly, there are sponsors that already help others that way.
When your sponsorship runs out, you can’t post unless you donate or get sponsored again.
The site needs donations to be able to continue. Its time for some to put their money where their posts are.
People could lurk for free and still be able to read the articles and learn.
Even $20 a year from posters would help immensely. Where else can you get entertainment and learn something for $20 a year? I would think that $20 a year from all posters would go a long way to keeping the lights on and those that wanted to donate more could.
I know some don’t like the idea of paying to post, but I suspect those that whine the loudest aren’t donating.
I would avoid ads, too many block them anyway an the same moochers would use blockers. If you aren’t part of the solution then you are part of the problem. jmo
Thank you very much, Netizen!! I know that a great system will evolve from all of our discussions.
Most recently I've donated extra in memory....In memory of Bah Bah this time. She was a good friend and like Onyx said many of us feel a kinship with our FrFamily, particularly those we are privileged enough to actual enjoy their company in person. Met Bah Bah on a Fr Cruise. Great time! Great memories!