This is not intended for birthers. The same thing with McCain. They needed someone who could have birth problems. No one in their right mind would have voted for McCain. Both men had fathers not born in America. Romney and McCain were selected for us. The one true conservative, Duncan Hunter was thrown down the toilet. Let’s bring him back.
I agree. I supported Hunter in 07-08.
Maybe He's the one we should "write in" as a Third-Party vote.
McCain's father was born in America, as was his grandfather McCain. Both were serving Naval Officers at the time of John's birth.
The controversy with McCain is that he was not born in the US, but rather either on a US Naval base in the Panama Canal zone, (his and his mother's version) or in a hospital in Colon Panama(some others' contention). Those others say there was no hospital on the base, which may or may not be true, but there was a doctor, and likely an infirmary. Doctors made house calls in those days. My mother wasn't born in a hospital, and she was born only 9 years before McCain. (1927 vs 1936) The hospital I was born in goes back to 1889, but they didn't have any babies born there until 1941. A military doctor would especially have made a house call for the wife of an officer, and the daughter in law of an Admiral.
Not that it matters, "Law of Nations", states that those born to parents "in the service of the country", though outside of it, are considered "born in the country". It's a couple of paragraphs down from where it states that those born in a country of parents who are its citizens, are "natural born citizens" of that country.