It looks like you are using the word ‘bond’ instead of ‘taxes’ because it will raise less flags here than 'taxes'. More taxes on me is exactly what I am trying to avoid.
There is no constitutional right to do anything you want on land you own at any time you want especially when it will raise taxes on others to pay for the support of it.
A development tax would pay for the required infrastructure to support the new houses like NEW schools, roads, traffic lights, etc; and that would have slowed growth through higher prices for new homes. Up till now and now I get the bill for those in higher taxes.
Maryland state income taxes (half goes to the county directly) are huge.
Just like massive housing development inspired VOTER acceptance of higher taxes to fix the resulting crowded public schools and roads, the traffic jams and major increase in drivers resulted in many more speeding cars which inspired acceptance of speed camera vans (after red light cameras became accepted) so a private company can mail us a bill for alleged speeding.
And if the post office loses that bill so it never gets to you, the fines double.
Thanks Ryan (builder) and others for the progress. The new Americans you transplanted here, mostly liberals, accept big brother.
They did pass a bill last year extending discimination laws on housing and employment to Tran-gender’s who self-identify themselves as the sex they are NOT. Way to go progress. We lose rights and gain new rights, right?
Socialize that!
In fact, that massive science and high tech center on Virginia 28 (near the Dulles/Manassas area) is there because of Maryland's high taxes.