Many of my ancestors fought for the South and I am as proud of their service as the ones who fought in WWI up to Iraq. Comparing democrats 145+ years apart only denigrates their memory. The South aint democrat anymore and may be the last outpost of freedom against the leftist scum on both coasts and in the media.
Just in my memory they voted for LBJ and Jimmy Carter (won every Southern State except Virginia) and lots of them for Bill Clinton, and even in Virginia and North Carolina for Barak Obama. Go back before my memory, and FDR and his Socialist Big Government agenda won every southern state by large majorities FOUR freaking times!
It wasn't until northern Republican transplants like Gingrich, Paul, Barr, McCllumun etc. gained a foothold that the 'Solid South' Democrat machine was broken.
Thank the transplanted Yankee Republicans for that blessing. Other than those kind of guys, the 'good ol' boy machines would still be operating.
Spare me the crap about the last output of freedom. Maybe Wyoming or Alaska can take that title, but every Southern state is just as tied the the Federal tit today as the rest of the Nation. Since FDR, we're all scrambling for 'free federal dollars.' That's our problem.
We send people to Washington to try to get back some of our money that Washington shouldn't have in the first place.