At this point, all you will accomplish is lending a helping hand to the Left. I live in a state that has a late primary. So I will vote for the guy who has won it all ready. I feel I’m helping by keeping up morale. If I voted in an early primary, I vote a combination of heart and mind, but I don’t live in one. The enemy is the Left, not ourselves. If it becomes ourselves, I fear I will never see any sort of conservative leaning government in my lifetime, and I’m not that old. Remember the old saying, perfect can be the enemy of the good.
I haven't seen one yet in my voting lifetime and I'm starting to feel old.
Romney is a self-professed socialist, a fascist. Did you know that?
We have an opportunity to knock that fascist pig right out of the party and you’re going to vote for him?
If you’re not a Conservative, why are you on Free Republic?
Personally, I've never advocated the perfect. I've supported Newt Gingrich.
And still do.
By the way, cowards and quitters are some other enemies of the good.
Hey, Ann, is that you?
Romney IS the left. He is NOT, NOT, NOT one of us. It's deeply insulting for you to even suggest that.
Pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage, pro-gun control, pro-tax, pro-socialized medicine politicians are NOT conservatives. I will gladly FIGHT the enemy at the ballot box. I will NOT join them or invite them on my team.
You have no core principles, its clear. And you announced for the whole world.