Obama is brilliant.
Obama graduated from Harvard law magna cum laude because he is brilliant.
Obama became a Constitutional Law Professor at prestigious Chicago u.
We have only Obama's and the media's word as to his brilliance and that his brilliance led to his election to Harvard law Review. There is nothing to support these premises because it has all been battened down--for a reason?
He was a part time lecturer in Constitutional law at Chicago, not a professor. And from what I have heard him say about the Constitution--it is a list of negative rights, written by old dead white men and needs to be rewritten--he is just regurgitating what is being taught at Harvard Law by professors like Obama's former idol, Derrick Bell.
Obamna was invented by people like Soros and Wm. Ayers and is a practiced vaudevillian performer when not admiring himself and contemplating his navel.
You whining is unnecessary. Schiff Nuked Obama. We can only dream that Republicans communicate like this.
If you don’t think Schiff wrote those lines with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek, you need to reread the article.