Not to mention, there’s a chance John Huntsman makes it onto that Americans Elect ticket on all 50 ballots. I would gladly vote for him over Mitt Romney. From what I understand anyway, Huntsman was a pretty conservative governor. And even if he’s a true moderate, that’s good enough for me and better than a flaming liberal like Obama or Romney.
[[Not to mention, theres a chance John Huntsman makes it onto that Americans Elect ticket on all 50 ballots.]]
I don;t know too much abotu huntsman- I did see him on fox one night, and liked what he said- I wish you were right though- He can’t be as bad as romney- and I’d jumop at hte chace to suipport him over romeny- I hate that romney is hte only chocie we have- but it’s better I guess than no chocie at all