Really Jim? So describe to those of us who believe strongly that just about anybody is better than Obozo, your plan of action after your actions (or lack thereof) succeed in getting him reelected?????
Stop with the emotional and get real. You said there is no crying in a let’s see some concrete effectual contingency plans for action re: a second term for Obosco that will surely mean the end of the Constitution, our nation, and global damage to individual liberty. The consequences of a Romney presidency would be far less dire, giving our conservative cause a chance to advance prior to blood-shed.
We would all love to see a last minute dark horse emerge, but absent that transpiring, I will go with the “anybody-but-Obuzzy” crowd and hopefully save my ammo for a future, and yet to be determined inevitable, requirement.
A Romney Presidency, like GWB’s, would result in more of what the Republican establishment has always brought us: bigger government, continued attacks in individual liberty, etc., etc. Only it’s all done by a person who purports to be a conservative - making conservatism look like statism.
I was furious when GWB/Paulson started the bailouts. That was the end of the Republican party as anything resembling a party that espoused free-markets. GWB began the Federal government’s embrace of islam, which, since it virulently attacks all non-muslims by the continual rantings of it’s leaders (they constantly speak of hate and murder of non-muslims), it is squarely against America, her citizens and Constitution.
It’s patently obvious that establishment Republicanism has been and is bringing us to the same point as the New/Far Left communism (which has quite thoroughly infiltrated the Democratic party). Establishment Republicans are just going a bit slower and they’ve told themselves they’re conservative so many times they actually believe their own words. They are simply sticking their head in the sand.
France, Spain, Italy, etc., are all going to economically collapse in the not too distant future, and this may well happen during the next Presidential term. Only Germany can internally produce what they need for their own consumption and still have a reasonable standard of living; while their enormous trade surplus may go away, they still can get along by themselves.
Romney, being of the U.S. “big finance” community, sees the world as they do. His reaction would simply be to prop everything up by issuing more Treasury debt which would continue to be monetized by the Federal Reserve and the primary dealers (the core of “big finance”). American investment capital would continue the tsunami-scale outflow from the U.S. to China and other nations, as big finance thinks that overseas investments are the “way to go”. When profits are made overseas, big finance then wants to repatriate the profits - tax free ! It would simply be “business as usual” under Romney, which, bottom line, would still make the American economy the Titanic.
When things get economically disastrous, if a Republican is in the White House, the New/Far Left (ayers, etc.) would stoke up the civil unrest machine and try to finish off the current government/Constitution. On the other hand, if nobama is reelected, then when the crash begins in earnest and the American economy starts to really get trashed, the Far Left would BE the administration, and would respond FDR style, simply using it to complete more government takeovers. The difference is, if the New/Far Left is in the WH, they run the military and law enforcement, so they do not want to see domestic confrontation with them. If the New Left is not in the WH, then they oppose those establishments, since they would be run by actual loyal Americans. Personally, I think the Far left is mistaken in the idea that widescale unrest can be fomented in the U.S., for reasons that they really don’t understand. I think they are also mistaken about how much state takeover they can accomplish when they are in power, even in the event of economic catasrophe. IMHO, the way things will work out is not that bad, and much more boring than one might think.
Given an economic situation that continually worsens in terms of consumer price inflation and unemployment, even to drastic levels of perhaps 100% and 50%, respectively, the populace will keep weeding out the most immoral, incompetent and corrupt politicians at the local, State and Federal levels until the situation improves. Communities all across America will simply not tolerate seeing their homes and businesses trampled; though they may be struggling financially, IMHO they will naturally band together to keep themselves safe if necessary.
IMHO, the days of establishment media and government education are numbered, as the populace is growing tired of their subversion.
IMHO, it is not a single political “evil person” or single political “savior” functioning as President that will ultimately make the difference in America’s fate.
What is most important is the nation turning back to God, for if this does not happen, then more and more Americans will continue to turn to all sorts of ideas that are bad for them, and continue to insist that these pursuits are their right, or don’t matter that much to other people. These bad pursuits then become their master; they are enslaved to them. Expecting such a population to produce leaders who are competent and not corrupt is, of course, futile. We certainly have become a wicked and perverse generation; surely God is a merciful God who would take us back if we turn to him.