No. This bill is the status quo. The Romney Republicans at National Right to Life have been playing this utterly unprincipled losers game for a decade now, and all it has accomplished is to further embed unconstitutional allowance of the killing of innocent children more deeply into our legal codes.
“No. This bill is the status quo. The Romney Republicans at National Right to Life have been playing this utterly unprincipled losers game for a decade now, and all it has accomplished is to further embed unconstitutional allowance of the killing of innocent children more deeply into our legal codes.”
Respectfully disagree. While your goal is commendable, politics has to be worked incrementally. The other side has done so very effectively for decades, and that is why our country and our culture is deteriorating.
We can’t keep fighting unwinnable battles, or we will lose our generation. Keep praying - I’m sure you are.