Yes, he is trying to get people behind Romney, because he knows unless we UNITE behind a candidate, Obama gets a second term, for sure.
While I disagree with him that Romney can even beat Obama, let alone that he’s better than Newt would be, I agree that we should find someone to UNITE behind.
And I STILL do not see this Romneybot crap everyone is claiming Beck is. Sorry, but I don’t see it. I listen to his show EVERY DAY and I’ve heard him talk equally about each of the candidates. And he’s thrown his support behind the ones he think would best turn this country around.
First it was Bachman, until she dropped out.
Then it was Santorum, until he dropped out.
For some reason, he despises Newt...which I don’t get...
But now, since he seems to be the ONLY choice, he’s behind Romney. And from what I’ve heard him, Stu and Pat talk about, it’s RELUCTANTLY. They ALL have been VERY vocal in what is WRONG with Romney.
A Romney bot would not be so vocal and forth right, about the shortcomings and failures of “their guy”, IMO.
Personally, I think there are anti-Romneybots who will find ANY excuse to rail on anyone who says anything positive about Romney. It’s stupid and childish, IMO.
Well, could be, but there really aren’t many positives about the guy, are there? I have emails in my box from Pat Gray, sarcastically mocking Newt and saying that Romney is a far better candidate. Beck recently said that Newt was an enemy of God-—LOL! The only possible explanation for their behavior is Romney’s Mormonism. What is it-—98% of Mormons support Willard?
With Obama in office, it isn’t an easy decision to pass on voting against him. I’ve prayed, and I’ve wavered, and prayed some more. And the other day I believe I got my answer. Look, I’m a Christian. Sometimes we’re called on to walk the walk, and not just give lip service to what we believe. And those times can be rough. This IS one of those. But I cannot look my Lord in the eye when I face Him and try to explain that, yes, Lord, I know You hate abortion, and I know homosexuality is an abomination, but I chose as my leader a man who supported such evil because Obama was in office and I figured you’d make an exception.