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To: Rockitz; onyx; Jim Robinson
Many on here including owner, Jim Robinson, hate Romney and would vote 3rd party or not at all to avoid voting for him. Romney was not my first choice either, but like you, I’ll definitely vote for Romney over Obama.

You might do the owner the courtesy of pinging him instead of talking behind his back ya know.

But I can assure you that those who are NOT voting for Liberal Romney are not "avoiding" voting for him. They recognize he's as much danger to our country as Obama is.....and they know his record as well as see behind the mask he wears.

The real real issue is why would Conservatives even consider Romney/Obama when there is another candidate to vote for who has done outstanding in getting Conservative issues thru Congress and made them happen, and that would be Newt.......unless of course those doing were never serious about conservative issues in the first place.

How can you vote for someone who's hand are still bloody from signing his abortion bill? Who tells gays he's their friend and supporter? Who will simply change the name of Obamacare to Romneycare? Who will usher this nation under the UN and Global World Entities?

Explain how you can stand for conservatisim by voting for Romney..and worse why would you cower to the media and Obama push that you have to?

192 posted on 04/13/2012 12:32:01 PM PDT by caww
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To: caww
Mind your own business. I was responding to a particular individual. Did I misrespresent JimRob? NO! When I want to engage JimRob directly about his views on Romney I do so. See

How can you vote for someone who's hand are still bloody from signing his abortion bill? I voted for Reagan twice and as governor of California he signed the most permissive abortion law in the country at the time. He repented of that as has Romney.

Who tells gays he's their friend and supporter? Show me the quote.

Who will simply change the name of Obamacare to Romneycare? That's not was he has said and I'll hold him to his word.

Who will usher this nation under the UN and Global World Entities? Doubtful. Quit reading conspiracy websites.

195 posted on 04/13/2012 1:31:49 PM PDT by Rockitz (This is NOT rocket science - Follow the money and you'll find the truth.)
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