Yup RINO converts...
RINO converts who will forever have to hold their tongue on criticizing socialistic healthcare once they support/vote for Mitt Romney..
They'll have crossed the RINO Waterloo.
Same with abortion and protecting the womb...People w'll have become "pro-choice" like Romney once they support him -- which includes his crazy idea (dec 07) that parents can give up their offspring to "research" -- as he told Katie Couric.
I keep saying it on this thread and others...and they keep ignoring it. Not because it’s wrong or that the logic is somehow flawed, but because it’s true.
Because it’s true, as is easily proven through the most simple simple of logic tests, they would have to admit that they are making excuses to rationalize their behavior. It’s amazing the mental/verbal gymnastics I see people contorting themselves with on this thread.
Excuses to why they can ignore JR and just keep right on truckin’ with their ‘I’m gonna keep talking about why we must vote for the RINO even when you tell me not to do so on your site”,
Excuses to why Romney isn’t pro choice...no really, he isn’t!...
Excuses why the world will end and it will be non-Romney voter’s fault because they retained, rather than abandoned their integrity...
Excuses why being called on their liberal thought process is ‘bullying’ by those who point it out...
It’s totally indistinguishable from arguing with liberals. Same excuse making, same rationalizing behavior, same refusal to accept facts, same ‘magical thinking’, same ‘My reasons are the one true exception” BS...
People not wanting to be called RINOS/Liberals only need to refrain from using their tactics.