If you’ve done the math on that, show us. Somehow I doubt you’ve finished analyzing all the state polls and delegate allocation rules today to account for a Rick drop-out.
4/24 - the only state Newt could compete in is Pennsylvania. (If you think Gingrich has a chance in CT, DE, NY, and RI, you are overly hopeful.
100% of Santorum to Gingrich might give him 41 of the 231 that day.
Romney 663 + 190 = 853
5/8 Indiana (Newt + Santorum) 33. Romney 26 delegates = at least 12 of 27 for Romney = 865
North Carolina (proportional) Romney’s 31% about 15(for CDs) + 6 GOP-e = 886
West Virgina (Proportional) Romney’s estimated 30% gives him another 9 (with the 3 GOP-e) = 895
5/15 Oregon 14 each = 909
5/22 Kentucky 25 = 934
Arkansas 20 = 954
5/29 Texas (unclear if they can make this WTA or not) + 55 = 1009
6/5 California Romney + 103 = 1112
New Jersey Romney + 50 = 1162
New Mexico Romney +13 = 1175
South Dakota?? I am not sure on this one. ND went heavily Romney.
Montana and Utah = 66 more.
Before Wisconsin and from Santorum’s point of view, it was doable. Where there is not a poll to use, I used the state around to give an idea and rounded in Newt’s favor (except the GOP-e delegates who are unelected.)