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To: SoConPubbie

Obama certainly hopes you’re right. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some “new” members of this board in the form of Daily Kos plants who encourage everyone here to “keep the faith” and stay home on election day.

I favored Santorum over Romney, but the choice between Obama and Romney isn’t even close. Do you choose the guy who will TELL you flat out that he’s going to destroy your country and has proven that he’s trying to do so, or do you take a chance on the guy who at least TELLS he’s going to support lower taxes, smaller govt, etc. Sure, maybe he’s lying, but we KNOW Obama is telling the truth about what he’s going to do.

84 posted on 04/10/2012 12:49:28 PM PDT by TroutGuy
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To: TroutGuy
Obama certainly hopes you’re right. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some “new” members of this board in the form of Daily Kos plants who encourage everyone here to “keep the faith” and stay home on election day.

No, Obama is hoping anything, he knows. He, and the DNC, know that Myth Romney with the following record is the easiest candidat to destroy because all they have to do is use his own words, his own actions, his own continual lies against him and they can utterly destroy his candidacy.

Just a little of the left-wing, Progressive Liberal record of Romney:

1. Implemented/created Gay Marriage in MA
2. Supported and forced Gay Adoption in MA
3. Supported Abortion wholeheartedly
4. Raised taxes/fees over 300% while being Governor of MA
5. Implemented a state-level Cap and Trade system.
6. Supported Man-Made Global Warming
7. Supported the Brady Bill
8. Implemented a state level "Assault" Weapons Bill after the Federal AWB was allowed to expire
9. Supported TARP
10. Supported Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (Citizenship for those already here)
11. Supported McCain-Kennedy(Amenesty)
12. Implemented a socialized medicine in MA called RomneyCare complete with an Individual Mandate and $50 abortions
13. Nominated 27 Democrats (out of 36 nominations) for judgeships in MA, many of them extreme left-wingers

Let me repeat; with the record above, Mitt Romney has zero chance at winning the Presidency, if he is the nominee, Obama wins in a cake-walk.
111 posted on 04/10/2012 12:56:34 PM PDT by SoConPubbie
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To: TroutGuy

If Romney and the GOP-e is elected in 2012, you hand 2016 and The Republic to the socialists and that may not be irreversable.

151 posted on 04/10/2012 1:07:02 PM PDT by prisoner6 (Right Wing Nuts bolt the Constitution together as the loose screws of the Left fall out!)
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To: TroutGuy

Will not be staying home but will not vote for Romney. May not even vote for president but do have several other races to vote in. It might even send the message to the GOPe if they see a total disparity between true conservative getting vote totals that do not go along with Romney’s

322 posted on 04/10/2012 1:42:57 PM PDT by Kadric
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To: TroutGuy

I agree. I will do nothing to enable four more years of Obama. We must get the correct House and Senate in office in any case...if we do that and elect Romney, things will turn around because the new Congress will enure that Romney is given the legislation to fulfill his promises.

Whatever else Romney is, he is clearly a politician and this is the chance for the pinnacle of his career. He is not an ideolog and he will not throw away a chance at eight years by betraying those who get him into office and ensure he makes good on his promises. To do do would be political suicide.

So, as much as I had hoped another would win...and there’s still an outside chance for that...I’ll vote for Romney over the clear Marxist Obama

If Romney does go forward and win the nomination now, let’s see who his VP pick is too.

Romney was elected in a DNC dominated state, Mass. It is really more MassCare than RomneyCare IMHO. He had to run center...and I believe the plan would have been even worse without him there. Study his vetoes tells you something about him too. Most of them were over ridden by an 85% controlled state house.

I do not like his changes on critical issues any more than anyone else...but there is something there a proper house and senate can use that would be orders of magnitude better than Obams.

This is a decision that every person must make and it is very personal and varied...but I honestly believe I must oppose Obama, even with Romney, for the sake of my eight grandkids and their future.

890 posted on 04/10/2012 8:00:16 PM PDT by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free, never has been, never will be (
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