What are they making per barrel of oil? I keep seeing how much they make per gallon of gasoline but that isn’t the only place oil is used. In searching I only find quotes of the per gallon of gasoline. I found one site that listed $80 a barrel of oil but it was a dubious source.
The following link is the average price paid by US refineries to bring in a barrel of oil. That is the average price an oil company sells their oil for in the US. Included in that price is the cost of the transportation.
These two links shows the variation of oil prices based upon quality and location.
Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices for Selected Crude Streams
Landed Costs of Imported Crude for Selected Crude Streams
According to Google:
One barrel of Oil has a volume of 42 gallons (US), or 158.9873 liters.
If an efficient Oil Company makes 10 cents per gallon that would be a profit of 42 gallons X 10 cents or $4.20 per barrel, assuming that all of the 42 gallons of crude oil could be converted to gasoline. The reality is that this never happens as crude is cracked into a myriad of compounds depending on the content of the crude oil.
The inefficient Governments take 4 X as much or $ 16.80, and spend in on salaries of DOE regulators that spend all their waking hours figuring out more ways to punish Oil Companies that supply America with the cheapest gasoline and diesel fuel in the World.
Good industry sources of information would be the API, or American Petroleum Institute, and Oil and Gas Journal.
Poor sources include the GSI, or Green Slime Institute located at 1600 Plantation Avenue, District of Corruption, USSA.