At this point I believe Mugabee has killed or driven all white farmers out of the once very productive Southern Rhodesia.....So now their agriculture output is pathetic and people were starving a few years ago. Rhodesia has some very fertile land up at 5000 ft elevation which works out great close to the equator and this is what the white farmers exploited. Their tobacco was famous and was a large export
I wonder if Mugabe will suddenly “discover” religion? Nope. Mugabe is a communist and they are atheists. Anyway, it looks like Robert Mugabe will take the dirt nap before Hugo Chavez does. This is a good thing. Now, who’s next in line to succeed him?
Call me spiteful but before I would have been driven off my farm, I would have plowed enough salt into the fields so nothing would grow for 100 years or more. THEN I would have fled the country.
Farmers are probably on ‘the list’ in this country, as well...the white ones; that is.