To: Kaslin
I’m with you. I think what always made conservatives better than liberals was that we wouldn’t lower ourselves to the depths of depravity that liberals will. We’re better than they are and that comes with the ability to forgive even where it isn’t to be expected. That’s what makes us better people.
80 posted on
04/08/2012 10:00:50 AM PDT by
(Newt/Santorum or Santorum/Newt...NO Rombama and NO 0bama!!!)
To: Nobama_ever
But but but...if you don't stoop to your enemy's level, he cuts you off at the knees!!!!111eleventy!! /sarc
I was always raised that you should have the utmost respect for the dead, regardless of how vile they may have been in life.
117 posted on
04/08/2012 12:07:07 PM PDT by
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