I like to paint and I would have loved to paint like he did.
Some of the comments here are amazing to me. Sure there are better ‘artists’. Maplethorp was highly acclaimed and his work is more ‘valued’ than these.
If people like these paintings, great. Personally I LIKE the fact they aren’t zoning code correct and that it looks like Bambi is just around the corner. To me, that’s WHY I like them. If I had an extra 700 bucks I’d snatch a copy off his Little Mermaid print. because I LIKE it, not that I want to invest.
As for the ‘cartoon’ aspect, I personally think that cartoon/comic/animation art/cells are some of the best art there is. I prefer it to the ‘classics’. Why? Am I some blind dolt with no appreciation for ‘real’ art?
Don’t care. I like what I like. Amazing how so many here are concerned with what others, who they only ‘talk’ to online, like though.
/rant ;)