He admitted that he made an illegal move but he was pulled over just for being black. Yeah right.
Never heard of him.
Related to Luke Perry maybe?
Sounds like he was more upset that the white cops didn’t know who he was.
Forget the fact that he made an illegal turn and most likely had an illegal tint on his car.
Giving excuses for breaking the law is never a good defense when being pulled over either.
I just read the story. There is NO evidence of racial profiling. That said, there is clear evidence of “famous person” profiling in their later apologetic attitude.
If I were driving in a car with possibly too dark windows and made a turn like he did, I’d expect at least a stern warning “with attitude” from the cops, and I’m white. I’d probably get a ticket if I were under 30. If I was a jerk, they’d probably wright me up for the tint too.
IF the cops were behind him and his tinting was so dark then how did the cops know he was black?
He got pulled over because he made a illegal left hand turn, just like you or I would. When he gave his excuse as to why he did it of course it flew up a red flag to the cops, just like it would if we said it.
Perpetual victim and race baiter doing nothing more than stirring up problems. A redneck in a rusted pickup truck doing the same thing would have gotten the same questions and treatment, but not had a black cop come up and demand he be treated differently.
Actually, he was pulled over for being an inconsiderate idiot. The fact he was rich, gay, and black had nothing to do with it.
He was let go, for at least one of those reasons (listed in order of probability).
Fortunately, the only thing damaged in this illegal maneuver was his ego. This story is about him venting his emotion, like a whiny manic-depressive on her period, using TWITTER.
All the black racists come out of the closet at times like this.
It was promised as police abuse became more and more documented on cameras via the net and more and more obvious to citizens, the black racists would move in to protect each other from real violations and crimes in the name of crooked police officers.
The black racists will reshape police unprofessionalism and abuse to their liking - whitey’s inately racist skin is the problem. All they gots to do is get rid of whitey.