Just because a Conservative does due diligence and researches a candidate, in this case Richard J. Santorum, and discovers that said candidate is a pathological liar, a thief, and a hypocrite it doesn’t translate that same Conservative would support another candidate who is, in fact, a Fascist (Romney).
You, and a host of others, have not adequately researched Santorum. Instead you’re using Alinsky tactics to tear down another Freeper who has done so.
The “shame” is acquiescing to GOPe who have preselected our losing RINO candidate. Santorum, warts and all, is the LAST man standing against Obamney 2.0.
The “original” (Version 1.0) will push us into outright socialism by the end of his fifth year in office; Version 2.0 will slow the pace towards socialism a tad, but just like 1.0 will give us Gay marriage; no restrictions on abortions; liberal jurists “who the Dems will approve!” and of course his signature “ObamneyCare.”
No thanks...